You can have anything you wish in your life but if your sense of self-worth or your happiness depends on having it, then you are attached to it
Every time you send thoughts or words of anger, hurt,
jealousy, envy or need to someone, you manifest a tiny thread that
attaches to them
Negative energies such as greed, pride,
need and envy can send huge cords to objects like houses, cars, jobs or
bank accounts
Attachment is conditional love. A master loves unconditionally, and
this does not form cords. He allows the people he loves to be free and
to be themselves
The bindings of attachment can be released in a number of ways.
1- Love dissolves them and sets them free.
You set yourself free, too.
2- Forgiveness dissolves cords for all time when you forgive someone and let go totally of what has happened in the past, you free that person and yourself
3- Another most powerful way of releasing attachment is by intention
and visualization.
If you wish to be free, detach yourself
from everyone and everything.
It is a prerequisite for enlightenment